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Try as you may,

to keep the bubble,

of your frail existence,

burst it will.

Cosmeticize to your heart’s content,

miseries and trophies of a life lived,

on terms made by your growing self,

your independent self, your free of influence self.

Do it.

Make it a one of a kind bubble.

Connect with other bubbles,

on values shared.

Make a fist.

Make a tongue.

Make a noise.

It will all still go.

Fighting over insignificance,

virtuous selfishness is no match

in face of malicious selflessness.


Both fools.

The game plan needs to be bigger,

bigger than your lifetime,

you selfish little meat bags.

Still futile.

Failing simulation of humanity,

and we are still fighting over a pixel,

of our fleeting existence.



In the journey you will find moments that wield insuperable might. Assiduous planning, hand of friendship or blood thirsty fight. Which...


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